Our mission
Our mission is to reduce the pollution of the envirnment. Irrational resurces consumption and and the increasingly higher production of single-use plastics and paper are driving us towards an environmental desaster. Through our activity, we want to contribute to saving the environment, to encourage circular economy, to offer recycling companies qualitative raw materials and to create a framework where everybody has something to win, the main beneficiary being the nature.
10,000 tons
Monthly sales capacity for paper waste
2,000 tons
Monthly sales capacity for plastic waste
4 continents and 17 countries
International market, Turkey, India, Austria, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, France and Italy...
5+ ani experiență în Romania 60+ ani experiență în Turcia
Why ARD EcoTrade?

60+ ani experiență in Turcia

2.000 tons of plastic per month

9+ contries within and outside Europe
Such an accesible and sometimes indispensable aspect of our lives, paper, has such an expensive production process. For each ton of new paper are required 20 trees, 9,3MWh of energy and 17,5 tons of water. Anually, 400 million tons of paper are produced, of which is recycled just a fraction. Because of that, we assumed to collect, sort and ballot paper waste and make sure it goes to recycling companies, achieving one of our values – care for the environment.
From a revolutionary material it has become one of the biggest issue when it comes to pollution. Plastic decomposes by itself in around 450 years, time in which it spreads microplastics, impacting our long term health, the quality of our food and the environment overall. Consequently, we collect, sort and ballot plastic, following to sell it to recycling companies, where it can be given another lifecycle.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et orci eu elit pellentesque mattis nec in nisl. Proin lobortis massa nulla, quis mattis lorem condimentum ac. Donec sagittis rutrum eros, ut commodo dolor. Morbi vitae ullamcorper tortor, id laoreet tortor. Etiam id faucibus urna, id dignissim erat. Nam feugiat sodales tempus. Fusce convallis mollis mi, ut aliquam orci tristique non. Mauris faucibus quam lacus, ac tincidunt lacus dictum eu. Pellentesque dui lorem, dapibus at aliquam vitae, venenatis ut odio. Cras porttitor volutpat ex, a rhoncus sem dictum vel. Aliquam aliquam magna sit amet nisl tincidunt auctor. Proin rhoncus pellentesque eros et rutrum.
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